28-1.001. General
 28-1.003. The Agency Head
 28-1.005. General Description Of Agency Organization And Operations
 28-1.0015. The Agency
 28-1.021. General Information Concerning Agency
 28-1.023. Statutory Chapters And Rules
 28-1.025. Public Information And Inspection Of Records
 28-1.032. Agency Clerk
 28-1.033. Public Access To Agency
 28-2.001. Notice Of Meeting Or Workshop
 28-2.003. Agenda Of Meetings And Workshops
 28-2.007. Emergency Meetings
 28-3.001. Commencement Of Proceedings
 28-3.003. Notice Of Proceeding, And The Proposed Rules
 28-3.007. Content Of Notice
 28-3.011. Petitions To Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings
 28-3.013. Agency Action On Petitions To Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings
 28-3.015. Rules Effective Prior To January 1, 1975
 28-3.027. Rulemaking Materials
 28-3.030. Rulemaking Proceeding Â?? No Hearing
 28-3.031. Rulemaking Proceeding - Hearing
 28-3.035. Incorporation By Reference
 28-3.037. Emergency Rule Adoption
 28-4.001. General
 28-4.005. Purpose And Use Of Declaratory Statement
 28-4.007. Agency Disposition
 28-5.101. Scope And Title Of Rules
 28-5.102. Presiding Officer
 28-5.103. Computation Of Time
 28-5.104. Parties
 28-5.105. Appearances
 28-5.106. Consolidation
 28-5.107. Joinder Of Parties
 28-5.108. Disqualification
 28-5.109. Service Of Papers
 28-5.110. Agency Investigations And Probable Cause Determinations
 28-5.111. Point Of Entry Into Proceedings
 28-5.201. Initiation Of Formal Proceedings
 28-5.202. Amendment Of Petitions
 28-5.203. Answer
 28-5.204. Motions
 28-5.205. Motions In Opposition To Petition
 28-5.206. Prehearing Conferences
 28-5.207. Intervention
 28-5.208. Discovery
 28-5.209. Notice Of Hearing
 28-5.210. Continuances
 28-5.211. Dismissal And Default
 28-5.301. Subpoenas
 28-5.302. Witness Fees
 28-5.303. Witnesses
 28-5.304. Evidence
 28-5.306. Recordation
 28-5.307. Venue
 28-5.401. Post-Hearing Memoranda
 28-5.402. Recommended Order
 28-5.404. Exceptions To Recommended Order
 28-5.405. Final Orders
 28-5.501. Informal Proceedings
 28-5.502. Submission Of Evidence
 28-5.503. Final Order
 28-5.601. Multi-Tiered Hearings
 28-5.603. Informal Dispute Resolution
 28-5.604. S
 28-5.1055. Who May Appear; Criteria For Other Qualified Representatives
 28-5.1056. Standards Of Conduct For Administrative Proceedings
 28-6.001. General
 28-6.005. Application For License
 28-6.008. Denial Of License
 28-6.009. Suspension, Revocation, Annulment, Or Withdrawal
 28-6.09. Suspension, Revocation, Annulment, Or Withdrawal
 28-6.011. Emergency Action
 28-7.001. Petition For Exemption Or Modification
 28-7.005. Public Hearing
 28-7.006. Final Order
 28-7.007. Renewal Of Exemption
 28-7.009. Modification Of Model Rules
 28-7.010. Individual Agency Exemption Procedures
 28-8.01. General
 28-8.001. General
 28-8.002. Application And Construction
 28-8.02. Application And Construction
 28-8.03. Definitions
 28-8.003. Definitions As Used In This Rule Chapter
 28-8.004. Government In The Sunshine
 28-8.04. Government In The Sunshine
 28-8.05. Notice
 28-8.005. Notice
 28-8.006. Evidence
 28-8.06. Evidence
 28-8.07. Testimony And Argument
 28-8.007. Testimony And Argument
 28-9.001. Purpose
 28-9.002. Definitions
 28-9.003. Petition For Variation
 28-9.004. Department Review And Report
 28-9.005. Evaluation Of Petitions By The Commission
 28-9.006. Denial Of Variation
 28-10.001. Purpose
 28-10.002. Definitions
 28-10.003. Petitions For Certification
 28-10.004. Department Of Community Affairs Report And Recommendations
 28-10.005. Certification Of Local Governments
 28-10.006. Denial Of Certification
 28-10.007. Voluntary Withdrawal From Certification
 28-10.008. Revocation Of Certification
 28-10.009. Monitoring Certified Local Governments
 28-10.010. Appeals
 28-10.011. Development Orders For Developments Of Regional Impact
 28-10.012. Department Of Community Affairs Annual Progress Report
 28-11.001. Purpose
 28-11.002. Definitions
 28-11.003. Determination Of Aggregation
 28-11.004. Application Of Guidelines And Standards
 28-11.005. Effect On Vested Rights
 28-11.006. Effect On Approved Developments Of Regional Impact
 28-14.022. Purpose And Effect
 28-14.023. Comprehensive Plan
 28-14.024. Land Development Regulations
 28-18.100. Purpose And Effect
 28-18.200. Comprehensive Plan
 28-18.210. Comprehensive Plan
 28-18.300. Work Program Administration
 28-18.400. Comprehensive Plan
 28-19.100. Purpose And Effect
 28-19.200. Comprehensive Plan
 28-19.300. Work Program Administration
 28-19.310. Comprehensive Plan
 28-20.001. Short Title
 28-20.002. Purpose And Effect
 28-20.003. Land Development Regulations
 28-20.019. Purpose And Effect
 28-20.020. Comprehensive Plan
 28-20.021. Land Development Regulations
 28-20.022. Second Administration Commission Amendments To The Comprehensive Plan
 28-20.023. Second Administration Commission Amendments To Land Development Regulations
 28-20.024. Third Administration Commission Amendments To Land Development Regulations
 28-20.025. Land Development Regulations
 28-20.100. Comprehensive Plan
 28-20.110. Comprehensive Plan
 28-20.120. Land Development Regulations
 28-20.130. Work Program Administration
 28-20.140. Comprehensive Plan
 28-21.100. ) Purpose And Effect
 28-21.101. Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.100. Purpose And Effect
 28-22.101. First Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.102. Second Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.103. Third Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.104. Revision To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.105. Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.106. Revision To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.107. Revision To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.108. Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.109. Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.110. Revision To Zoning Code
 28-22.111. Amendment To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.112. Amendment To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.113. 89-7
 28-22.114. 89-8
 28-22.115. Amendment To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.116. Amendment To Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.117. Amendment To The Franklin County Zoning Code
 28-22.118. Amendment To Franklin County Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.119. Amendment To Franklin County Zoning Code
 28-22.120. Franklin County Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.121. Amendment To The Franklin County Zoning Code
 28-22.122. Amendment To The Franklin County Zoning Code
 28-22.123. Amendment To The Franklin County Zoning Code
 28-22.124. Amendment To The Franklin County Zoning Code
 28-22.125. Adoption Of The Franklin County Local Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.126. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.127. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.128. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.129. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.130. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.131. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.132. Amendment To The Franklin County Land Development Regulations
 28-22.201. City Of Apalachicola Land Developement Code
 28-22.202. Revision To City Of Apalachicola Land Development Code
 28-22.203. City Of Apalachicola Septic Tank Ordinance
 28-22.204. City Of Apalachicola Subdivision Regulations Ordinance
 28-22.205. Adoption Of The Revised City Of Apalachicola Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.206. Amendment to the City of Apalachicola Land Development Regulations
 28-22.207. Amendment To The City Of Apalachicola Land Development Regulations
 28-22.208. Amendment To The City Of Apalachicola Land Subdivision Ordinance
 28-22.209. Amendment To The City Of Apalachicola Land Development Regulations Regarding Concurrency Management
 28-22.210. Amendment To Revised Zoning Code
 28-22.211. Amendment To The City Of Apalachicola Land Development Regulations
 28-22.212. City Of Apalachicola Planning Pause Ordinance
 28-22.301. 203
 28-22.302. To Adopt City Of Carrabelle Resolution 2-88 And Ordinances 207, 208
 28-22.303. 211
 28-22.304. Adoption Of City Of Carrabelle'S Zoning Ordinance
 28-22.305. Adoption Of City Of Carrabelle Septic Tank Ordinance
 28-22.306. Adoption Of The Comprehensive Plan For The City Of Carrabelle
 28-22.307. Adoption Of The 1988 State Minimum Building Code With 1989 And 1990 Amendments As The City Of Carrabelle Building Code
 28-22.308. Amendment To The City Of Carrabelle Zoning Code
 28-22.309. City Of Carrabelle Comprehensive Plan
 28-22.310. Amendments To The City Of Carrabelle Land Development Regulations
 28-22.400. Partial Removal Of The Lands Designated Withing The Apalachicola Bay Area Of Critical State Concern (Ascs)
 28-22.401. Dedisignation Of Portions Of The Apalachicola Bay Area Of Critical State Concern (Acsc)
 28-22.402. Amendment To City Of Apalachicola Land Development Regulations Regarding Flood Plain Management
 28-24.003. Electrical Generating Facilities And Transmission Lines
 28-24.004. Hospitals
 28-24.005. Industrial Plants And Industrial Parks
 28-24.006. Mining Operations
 28-24.008. Petroleum Storage Facilities
 28-24.009. Port Facilities
 28-24.014. Application Of Banded Thresholds
 28-24.017. Hospitals
 28-24.018. Industrial Plants And Industrial Parks
 28-24.019. Mining Operations
 28-24.021. Petroleum Storage Facilities
 28-24.022. Port Facilities
 28-24.026. Hotel Or Motel Development
 28-24.029. Industrial Plants, Industrial Parks And Distribution, Warehousing Or Wholesaling Facilities
 28-24.030. Port Facilities
 28-24.031. Retail And Service Development
 28-24.032. Multi-Use Development
 28-24.033. Port Facilities
 28-24.034. Port Facilities
 28-24.035. Airports
 28-24.036. Port Facilities
 28-24.0281. Airports
 28-25.005. Vested Rights In Property
 28-25.010. Enforcement
 28-25.015. Amendments
 28-26.005. Technical Assistance
 28-26.006. Effective Date
 28-27.008. General Minimum Standards
 28-27.011. Appeals And Notification
 28-27.013. Amendments
 28-27.014. Enforcement
 28-27.016. Amendments To The Polk County Comprehensive Plan
 28-28.008. Performance Criteria
 28-28.011. Enforcement
 28-28.013. Appeals
 28-28.014. Amendments
 28-29.002. (Florida Keys Area Of Critical State Concern)
 28-29.003. Principles For Guiding Development
 28-29.006. Periodic Reconsideration
 28-30.001. Short Title
 28-30.002. Purpose
 28-30.003. Local Comprehensive Plan
 28-30.004. Development Order And Public Facilities Coordination
 28-30.005. Special Zoning Districts
 28-30.006. Community Impact Assessment Statement
 28-30.007. Land Clearing Permit
 28-30.008. Tropical Hammock Vegetation Protection
 28-30.009. Revegetation And Landscaping
 28-30.010. Shoreline Protection
 28-30.011. Waste Treatment And Disposal
 28-30.012. Modification Of Subdivision Regulations
 28-30.013. Plumbing Code
 28-30.014. Overseas Highway Protection
 28-30.015. Protection Of Waste Treatment Sites
 28-30.016. Effective Date
 28-30.017. Ordinances Incorporated By Reference
 28-30.018. Amendments
 28-31.001. Short Title
 28-31.002. Purpose
 28-31.003. Coordination Of Development Orders With Public Facilities
 28-31.004. Community Impact Assessment Statement
 28-31.005. Landscaping Of Cleared Sites
 28-31.006. Effective Date
 28-31.007. Ordinance Incorporated By Reference
 28-32.001. Short Title
 28-32.002. Purpose
 28-32.003. Land Use Regulations
 28-32.004. Effective Date
 28-32.005. Ordinance Incorporated By Reference
 28-33.001. Short Title
 28-33.002. Purpose
 28-33.003. Plan And Policy Statement
 28-33.004. Coordination Of Development Orders
 28-33.005. Airport Zoning District
 28-33.006. Community Impact Assessment Statement
 28-33.007. Landscaping Of Clear Sites
 28-33.008. Waste Collection And Disposal
 28-33.009. Plumbing Code
 28-33.010. Historical Resource Protection
 28-33.011. Architectural Review Board Incorporation Into Old Island Restoration Commission
 28-33.012. Effective Date
 28-33.013. Ordinances Incorporated By Reference
 28-34.001. Short Title
 28-34.002. Purpose
 28-34.003. Shoreline And Mangrove Protection
 28-34.004. Site Clearing And Tree Protection
 28-34.005. Effective Date
 28-35.010. Purpose
 28-35.020. Definitions
 28-35.030. Authority
 28-35.040. Provisions
 28-35.050. Applicant Eligibility
 28-35.060. Policy And Condition
 28-35.070. Procedure
 28-38.001. Application Of Rules
 28-38.002. Commission Members, Chairman
 28-38.003. Administration Commission Meetings
 28-38.004. Administration Commission Quorum
 28-38.005. Agendas
 28-38.006. Distribution Of Agendas
 28-38.007. Recording Of Meetings
 28-38.008. Minutes Of Meetings
 28-38.009. Order Of Procedure
 28-38.010. Quarterly Reports
 28-38.011. Administration Commission Action
 28-38.012. Administration Commission Voting
 28-38.013. Amendments
 28-38.014. Parliamentary Matters
 28-38.015. S
 28-38.0015. The Agency
 28-38.016. Authority
 28-38.017. Purpose
 28-38.018. Public Inspection And Duplication
 28-38.019. Final Orders Indexed
 28-38.020. Numbering Of All Final Orders
 28-38.021. System For Indexing Final Orders
 28-38.022. Maintenance Of Records
 28-38.023. Plan
 28-39.001. Applicability
 28-39.002. Definitions
 28-39.003. Duties Of The Office Of Planning And Budgeting, Executive Office Of The Governor
 28-39.004. Time And Place For Filing
 28-39.005. Commission Action On Recommended Orders
 28-39.006. Commission Action On Notices Of Nonsubmission
 28-40.001. Purpose
 28-40.002. Definitions
 28-40.003. Identification Of Employees In Default On Educational Loans
 28-40.004. Notice Of Default
 28-40.005. Negotiation Of Voluntary Wage Withholding
 28-40.006. Involuntary Withholding Of Employee Pay
 28-40.007. Calculation Of Involuntary Withholding From Pay
 28-40.008. Notices
 28-40.009. Procedures For Withholding Wages To Repay Educational Loans In Default
 28-40.010. Procedures For Withholding Wages To Repay Educational Loans In Default
 28-41.001. Purpose And Use
 28-41.002. Definitions
 28-41.003. Administration Commission Information
 28-41.004. Local Government Action
 28-41.005. Department Of Community Affairs Recommendation
 28-41.006. Notification To The Local Government
 28-101.001. Statement Of Agency Organization And Operation
 28-102.001. Notice Of Public Meeting, Hearing, Or Workshop
 28-102.002. Agenda Of Meetings, Hearings, And Workshops
 28-102.003. Emergency Meetings
 28-103.001. Advance Notice Of Agency Rulemaking Proceedings
 28-103.002. Rule Development Workshops
 28-103.003. Negotiated Rulemaking
 28-103.004. Public Hearing
 28-103.005. Evidentiary Proceeding During Rulemaking
 28-103.006. Petitions To Initiate Rulemaking
 28-103.009. Incorporation By Reference
 28-104.001. Purpose; Construction
 28-104.002. Petition For Variance Or Waiver
 28-104.003. Comments On Petition
 28-104.004. Petition For Emergency Variance Or Waiver
 28-104.005. Time For Consideration Of Emergency Petition
 28-104.006. Request For Information
 28-104.0051. Revocation Of Emergency Or Temporary Variance Or Waiver
 28-105.001. Purpose And Use Of Declaratory Statement
 28-105.002. The Petition
 28-105.003. Agency Disposition
 28-105.004. Notice Of Disposition
 28-105.0024. Notice Of Filing
 28-105.0027. Intervention
 28-106.101. Scope Of This Chapter
 28-106.102. Presiding Officer
 28-106.103. Computation Of Time
 28-106.104. Filing
 28-106.105. Apperarances
 28-106.106. Who May Appear; Criteria For Qualified Representatives
 28-106.107. Standards Of Conduct For Qualified Representatives
 28-106.108. Consolidation
 28-106.109. Notice To Interested Parties
 28-106.110. Service Of Papers
 28-106.111. Point Of Entry Into Proceedings And Mediation
 28-106.201. Initiation Of Proceedings
 28-106.202. Amendment Of Petitions Or Requests For Hearing
 28-106.203. Answer
 28-106.204. Motions
 28-106.205. Intervention
 28-106.206. Discovery
 28-106.207. Venue
 28-106.208. Notice Of Hearing
 28-106.209. Prehearing Conferences
 28-106.210. Continuances
 28-106.211. Conduct Of Proceedings
 28-106.212. Subpoenas
 28-106.213. Evidence
 28-106.214. Preserving Testimony
 28-106.215. Post-Hearing Submittals
 28-106.216. Entry Of Recommended Order
 28-106.217. Exceptions And Responses
 28-106.301. Initiation Of Proceedings
 28-106.302. Notice Of Proceeding
 28-106.303. Motions
 28-106.304. Continuances
 28-106.305. Conduct Of Proceedings
 28-106.306. Preserving Testimony
 28-106.307. Post-Hearing Submittals
 28-106.401. Purpose
 28-106.402. Contents Of Request For Mediation
 28-106.403. Allocation Of Costs And Fees
 28-106.404. Contents Of Agreement To Mediate
 28-106.405. Standards Of Conduct For Mediators
 28-106.501. Emergency Action
 28-106.601. Conflict
 28-106.2015. Agency Enforcement And Disciplinary Actions
 28-107.001. General
 28-107.002. Application For License
 28-107.003. Denial Of License
 28-107.004. Suspension, Revocation, Annulment, Or Withdrawal
 28-107.005. Emergency Action
 28-108.001. Petition For Exception To Uniform Rules Of Procedure
 28-108.002. Final Disposition On Petition For Exception
 28-109.001. Purpose
 28-109.002. Definitions
 28-109.003. Final Order On Petition For Exemption
 28-109.004. Government In The Sunshine
 28-109.005. Notice
 28-109.006. Evidence, Testimony, And Argument
 28-110.001. Purpose And Scope
 28-110.002. Definitions
 28-110.003. Notice Of Protest
 28-110.004. Formal Written Protest
 28-110.005. Bond
 28-111.001. Receipt And Investment Of Funds
 28-111.002. Expenditure Of Funds
 28-111.003. Accounting And Reporting
 28-112.001. Petition For Exception To Uniform Rules Relating To State Employment
 28-112.002. Final Disposition On Petition For Exception