9-1.001. The Agency
 9-1.01. Organization And General Information
 9-1.002. The Agency Head
 9-1.02. The Agency Head
 9-1.03. General Description Of The Agency
 9-1.003. General Description Of The Agency
 9-1.004. Statutory Provisions And Delegation Of Authority
 9-1.04. Statutory Provisions And Delegation Of Authority
 9-1.05. Locations Of (Agency) Department Offices
 9-1.005. Location Of Department Offices
 9-1.006. Public Records
 9-1.007. Application For Employment
 9-1.008. Public Access
 9-1.009. Clerk Of The Department
 9-1.10. Smoking
 9-1.010. Smoking
 9-1.011. Department Rules Of Procedure; Conflict With Other Rules
 9-1.11. Department Rules Of Procedure; Conflict With Other Rules
 9-1.12. Resolution Of Disputes Arising From The Contract Bidding Process
 9-1.012. Resolution Of Disputes Arising From The Contract Bidding Process
 9-1.013. Approved Forms
 9-1.13. Approved Forms
 9-1.14. Construction
 9-1.014. Construction
 9-2.001. Notice Of Meetings
 9-2.01. Notice Of Meetings
 9-2.002. Agenda
 9-2.003. Emergency Meetings And Workshops
 9-2.04. Communications Media Technology
 9-2.004. Communications Media Technology
 9-3.001. General
 9-3.002. Definitions
 9-3.003. Notice Of Proceedings
 9-3.005. Action On Petitions To Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings
 9-3.006. Rulemaking Proceedings Â?? Hearings
 9-3.007. Emergency Rule Hearing
 9-3.008. Rulemaking Proceedings As Affecting Substantial Interests
 9-4.001. General
 9-4.002. Purpose And Use Of Declaratory Statement
 9-4.003. Petition
 9-4.004. Disposition
 9-5.001. General Purpose And Application
 9-5.002. Requests For Hearings
 9-5.003. Orders
 9-6.001. Purpose
 9-6.002. Scope Of Rules
 9-6.003. Definitions
 9-6.004. Review, Approval And Certification
 9-6.005. Standard Lease Agreement
 9-6.006. Disclosure Statement - Private Entities
 9-6.007. Disclosure Statement - Public Officials
 9-6.008. Lease Extensions
 9-6.009. Waiver Committee
 9-6.010. Handicapped Standards Waived Or Modified
 9-6.011. Notice Of Waiver Committee Rules
 9-7.001. Purpose
 9-7.01. Of Community Affairs
 9-7.02. Of Community Affairs
 9-7.002. Policy Of The Department
 9-8.001. Purpose
 9-8.01. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.02. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.002. Definitions
 9-8.003. Utilization
 9-8.03. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.04. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.004. Recruitment
 9-8.005. Screening And Selection
 9-8.05. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.06. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.006. Training
 9-8.007. Responsibility And Supervision
 9-8.07. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.08. Of Community Affairs
 9-8.008. Termination
 9-9.001. Objectives Of Plan
 9-9.01. Objectives Of Plan
 9-9.02. Enforcement
 9-9.002. Enforcement
 9-9.003. Complaints
 9-9.03. Complaints
 9-10.001. Purpose
 9-10.01. Purpose
 9-10.02. Definitions
 9-10.002. Definitions
 9-10.003. Use
 9-10.03. Use
 9-10.04. Iminary Review Of Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan By The Department Of Community Affairs
 9-10.004. Preliminary Review Of Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan By The Department Of Community Affairs
 9-10.005. Regional Planning Council Adoption Of Plans
 9-10.05. Regional Planning Council Adoption Of Plans
 9-10.06. Dca'S Action On Adopted Rule
 9-10.006. Department Of Community Affairs' Action On Adopted Rule
 9-11.001. Scope
 9-11.01. Scope
 9-11.02. Policy
 9-11.002. Policy
 9-11.003. Definitions
 9-11.03. Definitions
 9-11.04. Standards Of Conduct And Examples Of Violations
 9-11.004. Standards Of Conduct And Examples Of Violations
 9-11.005. Progressive Discipline
 9-11.05. Progressive Discipline
 9-11.06. Types Of Disciplinary Action
 9-11.006. Types Of Disciplinary Action
 9-11.007. Procedure For Oral Reprimand
 9-11.07. Procedure For Oral Reprimand
 9-11.08. Procedure For Written Reprimand
 9-11.008. Procedure For Written Reprimand
 9-11.009. Procedure For Reduction In Pay Or Demotion
 9-11.09. Of Community Affairs
 9-11.10. Procedure For Suspension
 9-11.010. Procedure For Suspension
 9-11.011. Procedure For Dismissal
 9-11.11. Procedure For Dismissal
 9-11.12. Extraordinary Situations
 9-11.012. Extraordinary Situations
 9-11.013. Authority For Implementing Disciplinary Action
 9-11.13. Authority For Implementing Disciplinary Action
 9-11.14. Alcoholism And Alcohol
 9-11.014. Alcoholism And Alcohol
 9-11.015. Standard Ranges Of Disciplinary Action
 9-11.15. Standard Ranges Of Disciplinary Action
 9-12.001. Policy
 9-12.01. Policy
 9-12.02. Sexual Harrassment Defined
 9-12.002. Sexual Harassment Defined
 9-12.003. Disciplinary Action
 9-12.03. Disciplinary Action
 9-12.04. Complaints
 9-12.004. Complaints
 9-13.001. Purpose And Scope
 9-13.002. Procurement Goals
 9-13.003. Procedures
 9-41.001. Authority
 9-41.002. Purpose
 9-41.003. Designation Of Official Reporter
 9-41.004. Plan
 9-41.005. Final Orders Required To Be Indexed
 9-41.006. System For Indexing Final Orders
 9-41.007. Listing Of Final Orders
 9-41.008. Numbering Of Final Orders
 9-41.009. Maintenance Of Records
 9-44.001. Intent
 9-44.002. Definitions
 9-44.003. Scope
 9-44.004. Prohibition
 9-44.005. No-Smoking Areas
 9-44.006. Exceptions
 9-44.007. Action By Department Managers And Employees
 9-44.008. Posting Of Signs
 9-44.009. Enforcement, Penalties
 9-44.010. Prohibition Against Retaliation
 9B-3.043. Qualification Program For Special Inspectors Of Threshold Buildings
 9I-48.023. Lihtc General Program Procedures And Requirements