Implement limited changes to the 2010 Florida Building Code (the Code) that meet the criteria established by Section 553.73(8), Florida Statutes, identified as an update to the administrative and technical requirements of the Code including an exemption for hunting cabins and an amended definition for the term “Bedroom” per change to Florida law; amendments to achieve state construction code consistency for public swimming pools; amendments to correct specific reference code sections and typos; amendments to update industry standards for wood design and testing of impact protective products; amendment to allow dry flood proofing in Coastal A Zones for consistency with federal standards; and update to the energy provisions, including 1) for residential building applications: correction of U-factors for mass walls; addition of Class A, B or mechanical air-conditioning contractors for duct testing per a change to Florida law; clarification of code treatment for thermostats; addition of credit for ceiling fans previously in the code; and corrections to the residential prescriptive code compliance form; and 2) for commercial building applications: replacing overlooked exemptions from the previous code; limiting the application of equipment sizing and duct sealing requirements for existing buildings to residential; clarification of insulation levels for commercial buildings; correction of insulation levels for certain pipe sizes; addition of standard reference design criteria inadvertently omitted from the code and corrections to expressed standard reference design criteria having unexpected consequences for commercial buildings.
NOTE: The full text of modifications and amendments approved by the Commission, together with the applicable procedural history and comments, are available at www.floridabuilding.org, or by contacting the Codes and Standards Office at (850) 487-1824.