
The proposed rule amendment would adjust how season dates are described to better conform to calendar year changes, adjust specific area regulations regarding the use of centerfire rifles during small game season in response to proposed changes in rule 68A-15.004 F.A.C., and revise specific area regulations on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in the Southwest Region as follows: Arbuckle WMA – allow the use of any dog to take small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory game) during small game season; and remove 15-inch shoulder height restriction for dogs used for hunting. Avon Park Air Force Range WMA – prohibit hunting equipment except from 8:00 a.m. seven days prior to the opening of archery season until 6 p.m. seven days following the close of general gun season, unless otherwise authorized by the Installation Commander or a designee. Fred C. Babcock/Cecil M. Webb WMA - Yucca Pens Unit – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. Everglades Headwaters WMA, Hatchineha Unit – shift small game season to open the weekend following the close of general gun season; and allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. Green Swamp WMA – allow camping at the Rock Ridge Road campground during small game season; and allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. Green Swamp WMA, West Unit – shift the special-opportunity general gun hunts two weeks earlier to open the first and third Thursdays in January and the first Thursday in February; schedule each of the three 4-day hunts Thursday through Sunday; and allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. Hickory Hammock WMA – allow the use of any dog to take small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory game) during small game season; and establish two 5-day wild hog-still hunts (one in late April and one in late May) and remove the three existing 3-day wild hog-still hunts (two in September and one in January). Hilochee WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. Hilochee WMA - Osprey Unit – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. KICCO WMA – remove quota requirement for wild hog-still hunts; allow the use of any dog to hunt small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory game) during small game season; and establish two 5-day wild hog-still hunts (one in late April and one in late May). Lake Marion Creek WMA – allow the use of any dog to take small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory game) during small game season. Orange Hammock WMA – establish open seasons and regulations for a new WMA (5,777 acres) in Sarasota County as follows: 9-day archery season (three 3-day hunts, 15 no-cost, quota permits for each hunt, no exemptions); 3-day muzzleloading gun season (15 no-cost, quota permits, no exemptions); 2-day mobility-impaired hunt (8 no-cost, quota permits, no exemptions); 6-day general gun season (two 3-day hunts, 15 no-cost, quota permits for each hunt, no exemptions); 18-day small game season (six 3-day hunts, no quota); 2-day youth turkey hunt (5 no-cost, quota permits, no exemptions); 9-day spring turkey season (three 3-day hunts, 5 no-cost, quota permits for each hunt, no exemptions); fishing and frogging allowed year-round; prohibit trapping; allow hunting of all legal game, turkey (gobbler or bearded turkeys only), fish, frogs, and furbearers; prohibit the harvest of antlered deer not having at least 1 antler with 3 or more points or a 10-inch main beam; bag limit for deer will be 1 antlered deer per quota permit except during the mobility impaired hunt when the bag limit for deer will be 1 antlered or 1 antlerless deer per permit (only mobility-impaired hunters may take antlerless deer), prohibit the harvest of antlerless deer during archery season; allow the take of antlerless deer during the mobility-impaired hunt; allow take of turkey during archery, youth turkey, and spring turkey seasons only (gobbler or bearded turkeys only); bag limit for turkey will be 1 per day during archery season and 1 per quota permit during the youth hunt and spring turkey season; allow take of wild hog during small game season and all quota hunts (except youth and spring turkey) with no bag limits or size restrictions; allow public access from 1.5 hours before sunrise to 1.5 hours after sunset year-round by foot, horseback and bicycle, except that vehicular access is only allowed on Main Grade to Parking Area 3; allow bicycle access on Main Grade and designated trails only; allow vehicle access on Main Grade south of Parking Area 3 for authorized hunters and their guests only, from 1.5 hours before sunrise to 1.5 hours after sunset one day prior to and during each archery, muzzleloading gun, mobility-impaired hunt, general gun hunt and from 4:30 a.m. until one hour after sunset during spring turkey hunts; allow hunting equipment on the area 8:00 a.m. one day before each hunt and shall be removed by the last day of each hunt; prohibit horses during periods open to hunting; allow horses only on named and numbered roads and designated trails; require mobility-impaired hunters to attend a pre-hunt orientation meeting; allow entry into and exit from the area at the designated entrances only; prohibit hunting with dogs except any dog may be used to hunt small game (gray squirrel, migratory game, quail, and rabbits) during small game season; prohibit hunting deer and wild hog with dogs; and prohibit camping. Walk-in-the-Water WMA – allow the use of any dog to take small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory game) during small game season; and remove 15-inch shoulder height restriction for dogs used for hunting. Additionally, the proposed rule amendment would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.