
The proposed rule amendment would adjust how season dates are described to better conform to calendar year changes, adjust specific area regulations regarding the use of centerfire rifles during small game season in response to proposed changes in rule 68A-17.004, F.A.C., and revise specific area regulations on Wildlife and Environmental Areas (WEAs) as follows: Southwest Region Lake Wales Ridge WEA – Royce Unit – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. North Central Region Fort White WEA – allow each youth turkey quota permit holder to bring 1 additional non-hunting guest. Lafayette Forest WEA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. Watermelon Pond WEA – allow camping on the Goethe State Forest portion of the area by permit from the Florida Forest Service. Northwest Region Apalachicola River WEA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season. South Region Southern Glades WEA – establish that, for purposes other than hunting, dogs are allowed but must be kept under physical restraint at all times; fix an error related to the use of airboats in Unit 4 and the use of outboard motor boat in canals; and fix an error to clarify that waterfowl retrievers and bird dogs can be used to hunt geese in season. Additionally, the proposed rule amendment would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.