The proposed rule amendment would adjust how season dates are described to better conform to calendar year changes, adjust specific area regulations regarding the use of centerfire rifles during small game season in response to proposed changes in rule 68A-15.004, F.A.C., and revise specific area regulations on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in the Northwest Region as follows:
Aucilla WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Apalachicola WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Apalachicola WMA, Bradwell Unit – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Beaverdam Creek WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Blackwater WMA – remove quota requirement for each of the four 2-day Field Trial Area quail hunts; change the four 2-day quail hunts in the Field Trial Area from 2 consecutive hunts every other week in February to one hunt weekly during February; and adjust dog collar rules conflicting with 68A-12.007.
Blackwater WMA, Hutton Unit – shift the September wild hog-dog hunt to occur the second weekend of the month each year (instead of the third weekend) to avoid overlapping with dove field hunts.
Box-R WMA – establish a bag limit of 1 antlerless deer per quota permit during archery season; establish that mourning and white-winged dove may be hunted each Saturday and Sunday during Phase 1 of mourning and white-winged dove season; and allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season..
Chipola River WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season except in the Hayes Spring Run and Waddell Mill Creek areas.
Choctawhatchee River WMA – remove all check station requirements during spring turkey season; and allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Econfina Creek WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Econfina Creek WMA, Fitzhugh Carter Tract – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Escambia River WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Escribano Point WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Flint Rock WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Joe Budd WMA – establish that mourning and white-winged dove may be hunted the first and second Saturdays during Phase 1 of mourning and white-winged dove season.
Lafayette Creek WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Perdido River WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Plank Road WMA – prohibit public access during the mobility-impaired general gun hunt except for individuals permitted to participate in the hunt (including guest hunter and non-hunting assistant); during the mobility-impaired general gun hunt allow mobility-impaired hunters to harvest antlerless deer (1 antlerless deer per quota permit); and fix errors related to the start dates for open seasons.
Point Washington WMA – change reference of “common moorhen” to “common gallinule.”
Yellow River WMA – allow hunting with centerfire rifles during small game season.
Additionally, the proposed rule amendment would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.