68A-12.004 Possession or Sale of Birds or Mammals; Taxidermy Operations and Mounting Requirements.
(1) No change.
(2) Game legally taken may be stored in public cold storage, refrigerators, ice houses or ice boxes when packaged or tagged labeled and clearly marked with the owner’s name and, if a license is required, license number or FWC-issued customer number.
(a) Any deer, or portions or parts thereof, subject to the provisions of paragraph 68A-12.003(2)(c), F.A.C., shall also have the Commission’s harvest reporting system confirmation number recorded on the label, and any deer, or portions or parts thereof, legally taken out-of-state shall also have the telephone number of the person taking or acquiring such deer and the state of harvest recorded on the label. Such labeling shall remain on the deer, or portions or parts thereof, until final processing or until stored at the domicile of its possessor. As an alternative to labeling, the owner of any public cold storage, refrigerators, ice houses or ice boxes may use a log book and numbering or other tracking system. The log book shall contain the same information required of the aforementioned label. The log book shall be kept on the premises for inspection by Law Enforcement Officers of the Commission.
(b) The owner, operator, or lessee of public cold storage, refrigerators, ice houses or ice boxes or a taxidermy or processing facility are not subject to possession limits described in Chapter 68A-13, F.A.C. for any game legally taken by another and stored in their facility.
(3) through (10) No change.
(11) Taxidermy operations and mounting requirements:
(a) Any person engaged in taxidermy shall tag label all carcasses (whole specimens), untanned hides, and uncured animal parts of fish and wildlife, possessed or received with the name of the person taking or acquiring such fish or wildlife, the person’s address, and date taken or acquired. In addition, any deer subject to the provisions of paragraph 68A-12.003(2)(c), F.A.C., shall have the Commission’s harvest reporting system confirmation number recorded on the tag label, and any deer, or portions or parts thereof, legally taken out-of-state shall have the telephone number of the person taking or acquiring such deer and the state of harvest recorded on the label. As an alternative to tagging labeling, persons engaged in taxidermy may choose to use a log book and numbering or tracking system. The log book shall contain the same information required of the aforementioned tag label. The carcass, untanned hide, or uncured animal part shall be assigned a number, which shall be affixed to the specimen so as to be readily identifiable and traceable to the log book information. The log book shall be kept on the taxidermist’s premises for inspection by Law Enforecement Officers of the Commission personnel.
(b) through (e) No change.
(12) No change.
Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. History–New 8-1-79, Amended 6-4-81, 6-21-82, 7-5-84, Formerly 39-12.04, Amended 5-10-87, 6-8-87, 4-20-94, 8-7-97, Formerly 39-12.004, Amended 7-29-15, 1-11-17, 7-1-19, 7-4-21, 7-1-2022.