
With regard to Rule 6A-6.03026, F.A.C., the title is proposed for amendment; the proposed title deletes reference to “Special Programs.” The language in proposed Rule 6A-6.03026, F.A.C., is updated to reflect consistency with related State Board of Education rules. References to “hearing impaired, “trainable mentally handicapped,” “profoundly handicapped,” “physically impaired,” and “emotionally handicapped” will be deleted since these terms are obsolete. Current terminology is referenced. This proposed rule updates language related to “determination for eligibility and procedures for evaluation” and removes redundant language related to “instructional programs” to reflect consistency and accuracy with related State Board of Education rules. References to the development of individual educational plans (IEP) and individualized family support plans (IFSP) have been removed since this information is found in other rules. The proposed rule clarifies procedures related to the provision of an additional year in the prekindergarten disabilities program. There has been no specific limitation with regard to the amount of time a prekindergarten student with disabilities was allowed to remain in prekindergarten. The proposed change clarifies that an IEP or IFSP team may recommend that a child with a disability who is of kindergarten age may receive one additional year of instruction in the prekindergarten classroom. It also stipulates that the parent or guardian must be informed in writing of the implications of an additional year in the prekindergarten classroom. The funding section related to prekindergarten children with disabilities has been deleted as the language is now obsolete. The rule titles for Rules 6A-6.03030 and 6A-6.03031, F.A.C., no longer reference “Special Programs” and “Children.” The proposed Rules 6A-6.03030 and 6A-6.03031, F.A.C., describe the criteria for eligibility for exceptional student education by providing accurate references to other State Board of Education rules and the eligibility criteria for infants and toddlers with established conditions or developmental delays as stipulated in the Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services, Early Steps Handbook and Operations Guide, Component 3, “First Contacts/Evaluation/Assessment.” Redundant language related to procedures for eligibility has been removed. The Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services is the lead agency for early intervention services provided to infants and toddlers with disabilities through Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In collaboration with Early Steps, school districts may provide early intervention services for eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities. The effect will be rules that align with the definitions and requirements of the Department of Health.