
Public Meeting to discuss Florida Housing’s administration of a $10 million allocation from the National Mortgage Settlement funds designated to provide Foreclosure Counseling Services and to receive comments from stakeholders. 1. Funding: $10 million designated for housing counseling from the National Mortgage Settlement 2. Program Objectives: a. Help prevent homeowners from going into foreclosure b. Provide families with a good financial management education to help them better manage their money and assist families with credit problems to become financially stable 3. Program Approach: a. Funding provided on a fee-for-service basis to local housing counseling agencies (HCAs) to carry out foreclosure counseling services and more extensive financial management education b. Provide counseling and educational support for at risk homeowners c. HUD Approved HCAs will develop an action plan for each client that is tailored to their needs d. Provide families with the ability to follow a tailored plan throughout the modification or foreclosure process 4. Summary of Implementation Steps/Timeline: a. Create Program Parameters b. Determine Allocation of Foreclosure Counseling Funding across the State c. Engage Housing Counseling Agency Services d. Procure Training and Monitoring Services e. Develop a Data Reporting System to Monitor Program Success and Manage Reporting f. Carry Out Initial Training in Preparation for Implementation g. Begin Offering Foreclosure Counseling and Financial Management Education Services to Homeowners Statewide 5. Allocation Methodology