
Rule 68-5.001, F.A.C. (Introduction of Non-native Species into the State) would be amended to codify eligibility requirements for issuance of research permits for conditional species, establish criteria for denial of research permits for conditional and prohibited species and revise protocols for importation of leopard, African spurred and Bell’s hingeback tortoises. Rule 68-5.002, F.A.C. (Conditional Non-native species) would be amended so that the owners of certain aquaculture facilities where Nile perches are possessed will be limited to using indoor facilities and prohibited from allowing take on a fee or for-hire basis using hook and line or rod and reel and that the Northern largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides salmoides) would be added as a conditional species while allowing possession of hybrid bass on the Suwannee River and its tributaries and to the north and west of same. Rule 68-5.003, F.A.C. (Prohibited Non-native Species) would be amended so the Quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) would be added as a prohibited species. Quagga mussels are closely related to the zebra mussel, which is already a prohibited species.