
These rule changes include new rules stating the purpose and intent of the rule chapter, providing definitions for the rule chapter, and establishing a separate rule specifying permits required to take endangered and threatened species. The rule changes also make substantial revisions to the rule specifying the State’s list of endangered and threatened species, and to the rule specifying the processes for adding and removing species from the State’s list of endangered and threatened species. These changes establish a Florida Endangered and Threatened Species List that includes species listed as endangered or threatened by the Federal government as one component, and species listed as Threatened by the State as a second component. The State processes described in these rules are used to make changes to the State Threatened component of the list. Changes to the Federal component of the list are made to reflect changes made by the Federal government. The rule changes clarify that management plans must be established for species added to the State Threatened component of the list and species removed from either component of the list. The rule changes also establish a framework for permits required to take endangered and threatened species.