Rule 11B-35.001, F.A.C.: Restructured and clarified existing rule language. Revised to allow training center director designees administer polices set by the Commission or the director, approve documents or make routine requests consistent with the Commission or director’s guidance, and represent the director at meetings. Subsection 11B-35.003(5), F.A.C.: Revised to exempt the following individuals from completing the 40-hour CMS First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers course CJK_0031, in the CMS Law Enforcement Auxiliary Officer Basic Recruit Training Program based on their education and training experience: Certified emergency medical technicians, certified paramedics, licensed physicians, licensed physician’s assistants, registered nurses or licensed practical nurses, and Members of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty entitled to practice as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or a Florida paramedic set forth in Chapter 401, F.S., Part III., who have three years experience in emergency medical care. Rule 11B-35.006, F.A.C.: Revised to update the name of advanced training program course(s).