
The intent of this Project Development and Environment Study (PD&E) is to evaluate the need to extend Quincy Loop South from State Road 267 (Pat Thomas Parkway) to U.S. 90. To meet the project purpose and need, as well as minimize impacts to the natural and built environment within the study area, six build alternatives were developed and evaluated during this PD&E study. Following stakeholder meetings, public meetings, and coordination with FDOT, alternatives were refined and a recommended alternative was selected. This public hearing is being conducted to present the recommended alternative and give interested persons an opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, and social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed improvements. Public input received will be incorporated into the final documents and will be used to further refine the recommended alternative as necessary. Design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction are not funded in the current FDOT Five-Year Work Program. During the informal portion of the hearing, FDOT representatives will be available to discuss the project, answer questions, and receive your comments. Maps, drawings, and other information will be on display. A court reporter will also be available to receive your comments. During the formal portion of the hearing, FDOT will make a presentation which will be followed by public comments. Additional project information will also be available at Draft study documents and other information depicting the proposed improvement will be available for public review at the hearing. Draft project documents are available for public review from January 8, until February 8, at the following locations: • William A. McGill Library, 732 Pat Thomas Parkway, Quincy o Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. o Friday – Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Gadsden County Building and Planning Department, Edward J. Butler Governmental Complex, 2nd Floor, 1-B East Jefferson Street, Quincy o Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by the FDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2016 and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT. For more information, follow the Florida Department of Transportation District Three on Twitter @myfdot_nwfl or like us on Facebook at