The proposed rulemaking would provide that integrated Crisis Stabilization Unit/Addictions Receiving Facilities (CSU/ARFs) may serve adults and children. The proposed rulemaking provides minimum standards for eligibility criteria for CSU/ARF service recipients, clinical procedures to be used in CSU/ARFs, staffing requirements, and operational, administrative, and financing requirements, including procedures for licensure and designation. With certain exceptions specified, CSU/ARFs would be subject to the requirements of Chapters 65E-12 and 65E-5, F.A.C. and exempt from the requirements of Chapter 65D-30, F.A.C. CSU/ARFs would be required to admit any individual who would otherwise be eligible for admission to a CSU under Chapter 397, F.S., or to an ARF under Chapter 394, F.S. CSU/ARFs would provide integrated CSU and ARF services based on the particular needs of each individual served.