There is a need for Florida to make certain changes to these rules to provide consistency amongst jurisdictions and ensure that Florida remains a key player and leader in the insurance marketplace. Among the most material changes are:
1. Changing the status name from eligible reinsurer to certified reinsurer.
2. Clarifying and expanding the documentation required to be filed in order to obtain and maintain the status as a “certified reinsurer”
3. Clarifying process and regulatory responsibilities when the financial condition of a certified reinsurer changes(i.e., there is a change in financial strength rating)
4. Clarifying disclosure requirements of the Office when it receives an application from a reinsurer for this status
5. Adding reinsurance concentration disclosure requirements
6. Adding language that would allow the trusteed surplus of Trusteed Reinsurers to drop below $20 million if the Trusteed reinsurer is no longer underwriting new business and demonstrated that surplus below $20 million was warranted.