
The proposed rule amendment would require all hunters to report harvested deer to a telephone and internet based deer harvest reporting system that would be available 24 hours a day; require all deer hunters to use deer harvest tags; require hunters to record their first and last name, customer number (if applicable) and telephone number of the person who killed it, the date and county where taken and the sex of the deer taken on the harvest tag prior to field dressing or moving the deer from the point of harvest; require harvest tags be securely affixed to the harvested deer immediately upon arrival at a residence or camp and prior to loading the deer onto any conveyance (truck, ATV, boat, etc.) and remain on the deer until the deer is processed; require all hunters to report harvested deer by midnight the day after leaving the hunted area (e.g., WMA, public hunting area, lease, farm, etc); require hunters to report their deer harvest prior to dropping off any portion of a deer off at a taxidermist or meat processor; require hunters to record the harvest reporting system confirmation number on the harvest tag immediately after the deer is reported; and require exempt hunters to obtain a customer number prior to hunting and to renew their customer number every 5 years or when the person’s address or name changes.