Section 373.042, F.S., requires the District to establish minimum flows and levels for lakes, wetlands, rivers and aquifers within the District’s boundaries. Over time, errors have occurred in Tables 8-2 and 8-3 of the rule. This rulemaking is necessary to correct those errors, as follows:
1. Revise Table 8-2 to add the lake category (CAT) associated with the High Minimum and Minimum Lake Levels for Lake Aurora and Lake Easy;
2. Delete Lake Raleigh and associated Guidance Levels from Table 8-3. The Guidance Levels for Lake Raleigh in Table 8-3 were previously replaced by more recent Minimum and Guidance Levels in Table 8-2;
3. Delete Lake Rogers and “No Levels Recommended” from Table 8-3. Minimum and Guidance Levels that were developed in more recent assessments for Lake Rogers exist in Table 8-2;
4. Delete lakes Bonable, Little Bonable, and Tiger from Table 8-3. Minimum and Guidance Levels for these three lakes developed in more recent assessments have been included in Table 8-2;
5. Re-list Lake Ellen, located in Section 10, Township 28S, Range 18E, in Hillsborough County, and the associated Guidance Levels, in Table 8-3. Lake Ellen was incorrectly deleted from Table 8-3 when Minimum and Guidance Levels were approved and added to Table 8-2 for a different Lake Ellen located in Section 19, Township 27S, Range 18E;
6. Revise Table 8-3 to add the Section, Township, and Range for 73 lakes; and
7. Revise Table 8-3 to correct spelling of Lake Whistler.