The proposed rule amendments would revise specific area regulations on WMAs in the North Central Region as follows:
Andrews WMA – convert the supervised youth hunt to a family hunt, allowing the take of one antlered or one antlerless deer per quota permit, and prohibit the supervising adult from taking wildlife with a gun (which includes archery equipment); shift the first wild hog-still hunt from the last weekend in April to the first weekend in February and shift the second wild hog-still hunt from the first weekend in May to the second weekend in February; shift the last small game hunt from the last weekend in January to the second weekend in December; establish a 3-day wild hog-still hunt (25 daily quota permits, first come first served issued at the check station) to open 3 days prior to the existing third small game hunt; and establish that when the check stations are staffed, hunters must check in and out when entering and leaving the area and check all harvested game.
Bayard WMA – change area name from Bayard Wildlife Management Area to J.P. Hall Bayard Point Wildlife Management Area; and shift the wild hog still quota hunt from the last weekend in February to the last weekend in May (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).
Big Bend WMA, Hickory Mound Unit – allow the use of crossbows to take wildlife during the general gun season and small game season within Hickory Mound Impoundment; and shift the archery hunt to begin one week earlier.
Camp Blanding WMA – convert the supervised youth hunt to a family hunt, allowing the take of one antlered or one antlerless deer per quota permit, and prohibit the supervising adult from taking wildlife with a gun (which includes archery equipment); adjust the general gun hunts by excluding Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and shift each hunt one day forward.
Four Creeks WMA – allow hunting on Thursdays during the small game season; and prohibit camping.
Goethe WMA – shift the family hunt to occur 8 days prior to the opening of general gun still hunt and begin the muzzleloading gun hunt 7 days prior to accommodate the family hunt shift; and increase the general gun season from 10 days to 13 days, change the general gun season from three quota hunts (two 3-day, one 4-day) to one 7-day hunt and one 6-day hunt.
Gulf Hammock WMA – allow hunting equipment to be placed on the WMA the weekend prior to each hunt season and be removed the weekend following each hunting season.
Osceola WMA – prohibit the use of a light in the manner capable of disclosing the presence of wildlife from midnight to ½ hour before sunrise during general gun season; and prohibit the operation of all-terrain vehicles on mixed use trails from sunset to sunrise.
Twin Rivers WMA – extend the small game season by 28 days to close the last day of the statewide gray squirrel season; and establish that when the check stations are staffed, hunters must check in and out when entering and leaving the area and check all harvested game.
Additionally, the proposed rule amendment also clarifies existing rules; removes unnecessary, redundant, or conflicting language; corrects prior mistakes; and makes non-substantive, technical corrections.