
Orlando International Airport (OIA) Connector Refresh Alternatives Analysis. This early Scoping Meeting is intended to invite agency comments on the scope and the Alternatives Analysis; including the project’s purpose and need, transportation issues to be addressed, the range of alternatives, the transportation and community impacts and benefits to be considered, the capital and operation costs, and other factors that the public and agencies believe should be considered in analyzing the alternatives for this project. The Refresh Alternatives Analysis will evaluate options for providing transit service between the major activity centers in the study area and connectivity with the SunRail project, and develop information that will result in a recommended alternative to be adopted by MetroPlan Orlando. The analysis will assess community consensus and the financial and policy support of the transit improvement alternative determined to best meet the current and future needs of a connector from the International-Drive Corridor to Orlando International Airport (OIA) and continuing to the Lake Nona – Medical City/Innovation Way areas, and along Osceola Parkway.