
As part of the District’s effort to expand electronic permitting capabilities for Water Use Permits, application forms are being streamlined to facilitate electronic application processing. Based upon a review of existing permitting requirements and procedures, much of the information necessary to process applications to modify or renew small general (withdrawals of less than 100,000 gallons per day on an annual average basis) water use permits is already contained in District files and is accessible through the new electronic recordkeeping systems. Therefore, amendments are proposed to Sections 2.1, 3.0 and 4.0 of the District’s Water Use Permit Information Manual Part B, “Basis of Review” (BOR), to provide that permittees seeking to modify or renew a small general water use permit need not submit with their application certain documentation, provided that the documentation has previously been submitted or is documented in District records and the applicant’s water use needs have not changed or the information has not changed since the previously issued permit. Rule 40D-2.091, F.A.C., is amended to incorporate by reference the revised BOR. The adoption of these amendments will help streamline the permitting process for the renewal or modification of small general water use permits, which have minimal adverse impact on the water resources of the District, and will facilitate electronic processing for such permit applications.