
The proposed rule amendments would adjust season dates to conform to calendar year changes and revise specific area regulations on wildlife management areas (WMAs) in the North Central Region as follows: Andrews WMA – expand the small game season from three 3-day hunts to five 3-day hunts (Friday through Sunday) by converting the two 2-day family hunts into two 3-day small game season hunts. Big Shoals WMA – remove check station requirements for hunters during spring turkey season. Camp Blanding WMA – remove the limited entry daily quota permit requirement during the wild hog-dog season. Devil’s Hammock WMA – during spring turkey season, legal shooting hours shall remain ½ hour before sunrise until 1 p.m. Hatchet Creek WMA – during small game season, allow the use of dogs to take small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory birds). Holton Creek WMA – during the day before each hunting period (scout day), prohibit the use of vehicles by persons not participating in the hunt. Mallory Swamp WMA – extend spring turkey season from 16 to 32 days; and expand the wild hog-dog season by adding two 3-day wild hog-dog hunts that allow hunting during the day and at night with the aid of a light and firearm (one each during April and June, no quota permit required). Osceola WMA – allow hunters to transport dogs on Forest Service Road 233 during the fox/raccoon/opossum/bobcat, deer-dog training, and general gun seasons. Steinhatchee Springs WMA – expand the wild hog-dog season by adding two 3-day wild hog-dog hunts that allow hunting during the day and at night with the aid of a light and firearm (one each during April and June, no quota permit required). Additionally, the proposed rule amendments would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.