
These TMDLs address fecal coliform impairments in the Southeast Coast Basin. Specifically, the TMDL rules being proposed for adoption are for the C-14 (Cypress Creek Canal), the C-13 West (Middle River Canal), the C-13 East (Middle River Canal), the C-12, the New River (North Fork), the New River Canal (South), the North New River, the Dania Cut-off Canal, the South New River Canal (C-11), the C-11 East, the Las Olas Isles Finger Canal System, the C-8 (Biscayne) Canal, the C-7 (Little River) Canal, the C-6 (Miami River), the C-6 (Miami River) Lower Segment, and the C-6 (Miami) Canal. These waterbodies were verified as impaired using the methodology established in Chapter 62-303, F.A.C. The methodology used to develop these TMDLs was the percent reduction method. This rulemaking has been given an OGC case number 11-0657.