
The Agency is proposing to amend the rules governing home health agencies to update the home health agency licensing application form, incorporated by reference in Rule 59A-8.003, F.A.C., to conform to changes in Chapter 408, Part II, F.S., Section 400.471(2)(h), F.S., and Chapter 59A-35, F.A.C. Since Chapter 2014-142, Laws of Florida, exempts non-skilled home health agencies that are not Medicaid or Medicaid certified from accreditation, Rule 59A-8.003, F.A.C., adds that the home health agency shall notify AHCA if the agency elects to give up accreditation. Language regarding the investigation of complaints is deleted since the content is in Section 408.811, F.S. In Rule 59A-8.004, F.A.C., the reference for the location of the application form is changed to refer to Rule 59A-8.003, F.A.C., instead of Chapter 59A-35, F.A.C. In Rule 59A-8.007, F.A.C., the rule is amended to modify requirements pertaining to a change in geographic service areas.