
The purpose of amending Form DR-420FC, Distribution to Fiscally Constrained Counties Application, is to delete the option to apply for tax losses relating to the reduction in tangible personal property value for citrus production/packing equipment rendered unused due to Hurricane Irma or citrus greening and add the option to apply for offsets from the reduction in ad valorem tax revenue resulting from implementation of section 197.318, F.S. The purpose of amending Form DR-513, Certification of Tax Deed Application, is to update the form to match language used in s. 197.502, F.S. The purpose of amending Form DR-517, Tax Collector’s Warrant, is to accept a request from the Florida Tax Collector Association to remove the word “paid.” The purpose of amending Form DR-546, Agricultural Income and Information, is to reduce the burden to the taxpayer and increase property owner response. The effect of these proposed amendments is that affected parties will have updated forms available that comply with current law. Rule text is on the Department’s website at http://floridarevenue.com/rules.