
The amendments accomplish or require the following: (1)The Medicaid Community Mental Health Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook, the Medical Report form, and the Emergency Intake form are incorporated by reference; (2) The child protective investigator (CPI) or case manager must attempt to invite the parent or legal guardian to the doctor’s appointment and facilitate transportation to the appointment, if necessary; or facilitate telephone or tele-medicine participation between the prescribing practitioner and the parent or legal guardian when unable to attend in person; (3) The CPI or case manager must attempt to contact the parent or legal guardian upon learning of the recommendation for psychotropic medication by the prescribing practitioner and provide specific information on how and when to contact the practitioner; and provide a copy of the Medical Report to the child’s parent or legal guardian; (4) The case manager must obtain a completed Medical Report from the prescribing practitioner if the prescribing practitioner determines that the medication is medically necessary for the child despite the lack of authorization by the parent or legal guardian; (5) The monitoring of the use of psychotropic medication provided to children will be the joint responsibility of the prescribing practitioner, the caregiver, the CPI or case manager, and the CPI or case manager’s supervisor; (6) The caregiver and CPI or case manager are responsible for implementing the medication plan developed by the prescribing practitioner; (7) The Department shall fully inform the court of the child’s medical and behavioral status at each subsequent Judicial Review hearing and shall furnish copies of all pertinent medical records contained in the child’s Resource Record that have been generated since the previous court hearing; (8) The CPI or case manager shall provide the caregiver specified information regarding the prescribed medication; (9) The CPI or case manager shall seek a pre-consent review when: (a) A practitioner proposes prescribing psychotropic medication or changing the dosage of prescribed psychotropic medication outside the dosage parameters documented in the Medical Report; and (b) The child is age birth through 10 years; and (c) The child is prescribed two (2) or more psychotropic medications; and (10) All child protective investigators and case managers shall receive Department-approved training from the community-based care lead agency or its contracted provider on medication management and administration.