
The South Florida Water Management District (“District”) is proposing to clarify the policy and purpose of Rule 40E-2.011 under Part I of Chapter 40E-22 for Lake Istokpoga – Indian Prairie Area, and Rule 40E-22.212 under Part II of Chapter 40E-22 for St. Lucie County Agricultural Area, to identify the water levels that will be considered by the Governing Board in declaring a water shortage pursuant to Rule 40E-21.231, F.A.C. The District is also proposing to repeal Rule 40E-22.061, Indian Prairie Basin Boundary, and Rule 40E-22.222, St. Lucie Agricultural Area Boundary, as these rules are redundant of Rule 40E-21.691, F.A.C. In addition, the District is proposing to update the permit classification and reference datum in Rules 40E-22.072, 40E-22.122, 40E-22.232, and 40E-22.262.