This Alternatives Public Meeting is being conducted to give interested persons an opportunity to review the proposed alternatives under consideration and to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, and social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed pedestrian improvements to US 41 (SR 45) from 69th Avenue (Bay Drive) to 63rd Avenue W. and from 53rd Avenue W. to Cortez Road in Manatee County, Florida. Financial Project ID No. 433592-1-52-01. US 41 (SR 45) is a north-south oriented, seven-lane, undivided roadway. Surrounding land use is predominantly commercial development. Major deficiencies within the study area generally include disjointed sidewalks and insufficient or nonexistent lighting and signage. The need for the project is to provide a continuous pedestrian corridor along US 41 (SR 45) and evaluate potential lighting as well as signal improvements. The purpose of this project is to facilitate the use of viable, non-motorized travel options for commuters and recreational users along the US 41 (SR 45) pedestrian corridor and within the Bradenton community. This project will enhance pedestrian safety by creating a sidewalk corridor that provides connections between nearby commercial and residential areas while minimizing potential impacts to the natural and human environments.