
Probable Cause Panel Meeting, portions may be closed to the public. The following cases are open to the public: ADG Alpha Design Group, Case No. 2005-024611 Thomas Audit, Case No. 2006-038321 Steve Bass, Case No. 2005-046932 Brenda Benz, Case No. 2006-047003 Adrienne Berliner, Case No. 2006-028625 Kimberly Bewley, Case No. 2006-044410 & 2006-044408 Johnnie Cartwright, Case No. 2006-002464 Casa Blanca, Case No. 2006-025858 Robert Case, Case No. 2006-005342 Robert Cole, Case No. 2005-048727 Concepto Uno of Miami, Case No. 2006-041343 Custom Workroom, Case No. 2006-025244 Kimberly Diamant, Case No. 2006-028714 DYBA Design, Case No. 2005-053220 Alan Eliassen, Case No. 2006-029041 Daniel Estevill, Case No. 2006-027100 Ronald Fenn, Case No. 2005-052167 Ferry, Hayes & Allen Designers, Inc., Case No. 2006-039493 Chelsey Hargarten, Case No. 2006-050089 Delores Jacoby, Case No. 2006-025871 Kevin D. Atchley Design, Case No. 2006-025574 Stephanie Kitts, Case No. 2006-041628 Kundu Corporation, Case No. 2006-002847 Scott Layne, Case No. 2006-033688 Heather Lollie, Case No. 2006-043448 Wade Longmire, Case No. 2006-028772 Meg Adams Interior Design, Inc., Case No. 2005-033899 Octavio Mejia & Carmen Abreu, Case Nos. 2005-033881 & 2005-033882 Joseph Miraglia, Case No. 2006-027383 Regan Reed, Case No. 2005-033884 Margaret O’Rourke, Case No. 2006-014976 Andrew Parker, Case No. 2005-046407 Roland Patterson, Case No. 2006-028864 Michael Perry, Case No. 2005-037042 Camilla Popham and Noble Interiors, Inc., Case Nos. 2006-036122 & 2006-034896 Properties Solution Service Corp., Case No. 2005-061067 Regan Reed, Case No. 2005-033884 Lina Restrepo and Tempo Designs, Inc., Case No. 2006-040857 & 2006-040827 Ryan Alexander Group, Inc., Case No. 2005-021700 Antonio Saccerio, Case No. 2005-046160 Sandra Sanchez, Case No. 2006-005622 David Ser, Case No. 2005-027946 & 2005-013168 Leon Sikes, Case No. 2006-019227 Solana Enterprises, Inc., Case No. 2006-005031, 2006-005025, 2006-005031 Doug Spencer, Case No. 2005-022371 John Strickland, Case No. 2005-038687 Tempo Designs, Inc., Case No. 2006-040827 Anthony Thayer, Case No. 2006-007960 Robert Tracy, Case No. 2006-031550 Ronald Trebbi, Case No. 2006-011001 Costa Vatikiotis, Case No. 2006-029029 Carolina Velasquez, Case No. 2006-037117 Wingate & Associates Realty, Inc., Case No. 2006-018745 & 2006-018751 Eve Wittman, Case No. 2005-024786 Debra Yates, Case No. 2006-002407 Natasha Younts, Case No. 2006-002883 Zamparelli Architectural Group, Case No. 2006-046944 John Zonata, Case Nos., Case No. 2006-005498 & 2006-029002