
Discussion of Chapter 2011-135, Laws of Florida, Section 9, which amended Section 409.905(5)(c), Florida Statutes, as follows: The agency shall implement a methodology for establishing base reimbursement rates for each hospital based on allowable costs, as defined by the agency. Rates shall be calculated annually and take effect July 1 of each year based on the most recent complete and accurate cost report submitted by each hospital. Adjustments may not be made to the rates after September 30 of the state fiscal year in which the rate takes effect. Errors in cost reporting or calculation of rates discovered after September 30 must be reconciled in a subsequent rate period. The agency may not make any adjustment to a hospital’s reimbursement rate more than 5 years after a hospital is notified of an audited rate established by the agency. The requirement that the agency may not make any adjustment to a hospital’s reimbursement rate more than 5 years after a hospital is notified of an audited rate established by the agency is remedial and shall apply to actions by providers involving Medicaid claims for hospital services. Hospital rates shall be subject to such limits or ceilings as may be established in law or described in the agency’s hospital reimbursement plan. Specific exemptions to the limits or ceilings may be provided in the General Appropriations Act.