
Currently, well construction permits may be extended only once for a period up to 90 days, except well construction permits for public supply wells, which may be extended as needed for a total period of not more than 1 year, in 90-day increments. Rule 40D-3.321, F.A.C., is amended to allow all well construction permits to be extended up to 1 year, in increments of 90 days, as is allowable for public supply wells. This will eliminate the necessity to reapply and pay an additional permit fee for those situations where a well requires a considerable length of time to complete construction due to unusual factors or the necessity to await issuance of related approvals. Amendments are also proposed to Rules 40D-3.502 and 40D-3.517, F.A.C., to delete outdated references to soil borings and foundation holes. These construction activities, which involve activities similar to construction of a well hole, previously were regulated under the District’s well construction rules but are no longer intended to be included in such regulations.