Rule 25-30.025, F.A.C., Official Date of Filing, is amended to change the person responsible for determining the date on which the utility has filed a complete application from the Deputy Executive Director, Technical, to the Director of the agency division that has been assigned the primary responsibility for the filing.
Rule 25-30.4345, F.A.C., Notice of Requests for New or Revised Service Availability Charges or Policies and Notice of Requests for Allowance for Funds Prudently Invested (AFPI) Charges, is amended to update and clarify rule language; eliminate the requirement to file paper copies of documents at various locations; and require the utility to include a statement in its notice that the utility’s application can be accessed on the Commission’s website.
Rule 25-30.445, F.A.C., General Information and Instructions Required of Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for a Limited Proceeding, is amended to update and clarify rule language and reduce the number of paper copies of applications filed at the Commission. The rule is amended to provide that a limited proceeding will not be allowed if the utility’s filing includes more than six separate projects for which recovery is sought; the requested rate increase exceeds 30 percent; the utility has not had a rate case within seven years of the date the petition for limited proceeding is filed; or the limited proceeding is filed as the result of the complete elimination of either the water or wastewater treatment process.
Rule 25-30.446, F.A.C., Notice of and Public Information for Application for Limited Proceeding Rate Increase, is amended to update and clarify rule language; eliminate the requirement to file paper copies of rate case documents at various locations; and require the utility to include a statement in its initial customer notice that the utility’s application can be accessed on the Commission’s website.
Rule 25-30.455, F.A.C., Staff Assistance in Rate Cases, and Rule 25-30.456, F.A.C., Staff Assistance in Alternative Rate Setting, are amended to update and clarify rule language and add specificity to the criteria making a utility eligible for staff assistance under each rule.
Rule 25-30.565, F.A.C., Application for Approval of New or Revised Service Availability Policy or Charges, is amended to update and clarify rule language; reduce the number of paper copies of applications filed at the Commission; and eliminate the requirement to file paper copies of the application at its local office.