
Minor changes are proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Chapter 40D-22, F.A.C. Year-round Conservation Measures and consistency with Chapter 40D-21, F.A.C., Water Shortage Plan. The proposed amendments include adding or clarifying definitions for consistency between Chapters, clarifying allowable times for Spot Treatment, adding a schedule for plant establishment irrigation for large properties and allowing extra irrigation for salt flushing after tropical storms or hurricanes. This rulemaking also makes examples of circumstances for which a variance or waiver may be appropriate applicable only to variances, sets forth additional examples of circumstances warranting a variance and incorporates a new form, Petition for Variance Form No. LEG-R.42.00-0589 (9/28/10) required to be submitted in order to request a variance. The form will streamline processing of requests for variances from Chapter 40D-22, F.A.C.