Pursuant to Section 627.782, Florida Statutes, title insurance agencies and insurers licensed to do business in this state must maintain and submit certain information to the Office, including revenue, loss, and expense data. This statute authorizes rulemaking to collect and analyze such data from the title insurance industry.
The current version of Rule 69O-186.013 implements the provisions of Section 627.782, Florida Statutes, by listing the types of information that shall be submitted to the Office by title insurance agencies and insurers. The Office is proposing to strike the current language of the rule and to replace it with new language that adopts a form, entitled “OIR-EO-2087 Title Insurance Experience Reporting-Agents and Florida Retail Offices of Direct-Writing Title Insurance Underwriters”. This form will be submitted to the Office electronically by title insurance agencies and Florida retail offices of direct writing title insurers to comply with the reporting requirements of Section 627.782, Florida Statutes. The statistical data collected will be used for the purpose of analyzing premium rates, retention rates, and the condition of the title insurance industry.