
The proposed rule clarifies the obligation to provide FAPE by adding reference to deferral of standard diploma; Amends the role of parents in developing, reviewing and revising the IEP to include course of study leading to a standard diploma with a Scholar or Merit designation; Proposes to add consideration of career goals in addition to a student’s postsecondary goals; Changes reference to the Model Communication Plan by deleting the word “model” and amends the content of the plan; Clarifies when a medically complex exemption is granted, the same notification that exists for an extraordinary exemption applies; Amends the requirement for transition planning before the age of 14 to include a statement of intent to pursue a standard high school diploma and a Scholar or Merit designation; The preparation needed for the student to graduate from high school with the standard diploma option and designation the student intends to pursue; and consideration of the student’s need for instruction or the provision of information in the area of self-determination and self-advocacy to assist the student to be able to actively and effectively participate in IEP meetings and self-advocate, beginning no later than age 14, so that necessary postsecondary and career goals may be identified and in place by age 16; Proposes to amend the requirement related to the transition plan to include, beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16 or younger, if determined appropriate by the IEP team and updated annually: A statement of intent to receive a standard high school diploma before the student attains the age of 22 and how the student will fully meet the requirements of s. 1003.4282(3) or 1003.4282(11), F.S; and a statement of the outcomes and the additional benefits expected by the parent and the IEP team at the time of the student’s graduation. Amends the content of the IEP to include, beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, a statement identifying the CAPE digital industry tool certificates and the CAPE industry certifications that the student seeks to attain before high school graduation, if any, pursuant to s. 1003.4203, F.S; Amends the role of the parent to include changes to the IEP, the parent, or the adult student if rights have transferred in accordance with Rule 6A-6.03311(8), F.A.C., must approve any change in the selected graduation option and any changes made to the postsecondary or career goals and may select an independent reviewer, as provided in s. 1003.572, F.S., to verify appropriateness; and amends references to vocational education to career technical education.