
The purpose is to update language to reflect changes in Sections 1003.4282 and 1003.4203, F.S., which were amended during the 2014 legislative session, and Section 1003.5716, F.S., which was created during the 2014 legislative session. The rule proposes to amend the requirements for transition planning before the age of 14 to include a statement of intent to pursue a standard high school diploma pursuant to Section 1003.4282(1)-(9), F.S., or Section 1003.4282(11), F.S., and a Scholar or Merit designation in accordance with Section 1003.4285, F.S., as determined by the parent and the preparation needed for the student to graduate with the option and designation chosen. In addition the rule proposes to amend the requirements related to the transition plan to include, beginning not later than the first individual educational plan (IEP) to be in effect when the student turns 16, a statement of intent to receive a standard high school diploma before the student attains the age of 22 and how the student will fully meet the requirements; in addition, a statement of the outcomes and the additional benefits expected by the parent and the IEP team at the time of the student’s graduation is required. Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, the IEP must reflect a statement of intent regarding the Career and Professional Education (CAPE) digital tool certificates and the CAPE industry certifications that the student seeks to attain before high school graduation. The Model Communication Plan for students who are deaf or hard of hearing is also proposed for revision.