The purpose of the rule amendments for Rules 6A-6.03013, 6A-6.030151, 6A-6.030152, 6A-6.030153, 6A-6.03016, 6A-6.03023, F.A.C., is to conform cross references to rules that have been recently revised and to include content related to evaluation procedures that are currently included in the ESE Policies and Procedures document in accordance with Rule 6A-6.03411, F.A.C. The effect will be rules that include applicable cross references, and improved access to information on the required content of evaluations for school district personnel and families. Rules 6A-6.030151, 6A-6.030152, 6A-6.030153, F.A.C., also include an amendment permitting a school district, at the discretion of the ESE administrator, to utilize an evaluation report from a physician licensed in another state for the purpose of evaluation and eligibility determination. The effect will be to reduce hardships to school districts and families for those districts where it is commonplace that students receive their medical care in an adjacent state. In addition, to align with statutory changes made to Section 1003.01(3), Florida Statutes, the titles of these three rules have been changed to remove reference to the term “physically impaired.” The effect will be alignment with current statutory language. The purpose of the rule amendment for Rule 6A-6.03022, F.A.C., is to conform cross references to a rule that has recently been revised and to delete a section of rule related to a funding methodology that is now obsolete. The effect will be a rule that includes applicable cross references and accurate content. The purpose of the rule amendment for Rule 6A-6.03027, F.A.C., is to align requirements for general education interventions and activities prior to evaluation with Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., which was recently revised. The effect will be the consistent alignment of requirements across these two rules. The purpose of the rule amendment for Rule 6A-6.03028, F.A.C., is to change the requirement related to when an individual educational plan (IEP) team must give consideration to a student’s need for information and instruction in the area of self determination from age 16 to age 14. The effect will be earlier consideration of the student’s needs for skills that will support active participation in the development of the student’s IEP. The purpose of the rule amendment for Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., is to allow a school district, at the discretion of the ESE administrator, to utilize an evaluation report from a physician licensed in another state for the purpose of evaluation and eligibility determination. The effect will be to reduce hardships to school districts and families for those districts where it is commonplace that students receive their medical care in an adjacent state. In addition, the amendment to Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C., includes a recent change in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with regard to revocation of parent consent. The effect will be policies and procedures that align with the requirements of IDEA.