A petition for a change in the rates of pilotage charged by the licensed state pilots and certified deputy pilots at Tampa Bay Pilots Association has been filed with the Pilotage Rate Review Board, pursuant to Section 310.151, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 61E13, Florida Administrative Code.
The last rate change (increase) granted to the Port of Tampa Bay was July 2002. The board intends to consider the following requested rate change (increase) for the Port of Tampa Bay:
Effective, after the hearing, for the first year:
Draft charge increase from $36.69 per draft foot to $40.51 per draft foot.
Tonnage charges increase from $0.0687 per International Gross Ton (GT), to $0.0725 per GT, 2600 minimum.
Docking/Undocking charge increase from $62.50 under 5000 GT to $75.00, 5000 to 10,000 GT from $93.75 to $112.50, over 10,000 GT from $125.00 to $150.00.
Shifting increase for Zone A from $200 + $0.0275 to 3/8 (Draft + Tonnage), Zone B from Draft + $0.041 GT to ¾ (Draft + Tonnage), Zone C from Draft + $0.0525 GT to Draft + Tonnage, Minimum Tonnage Charge from $100.00 to $350.00 Minimum Charge all Shifts.
Cancellation Charge after pilot is dispatched from $100.00 to $100.00 plus transportation charges incurred.
Effective the second year:
Draft charge increased from $40.51 per draft foot to $45.19 per draft foot.
Tonnage charge increase from $0.0725 per GT to $0.07625 per GT.
Docking or Undocking change from $75.00 under 5000 GT to $87.50, 5000 GT to 10,000GT from $112.50 to $131.25, over 10,000 GT from $150.00 to $175.00.
Effective the third year:
Draft charge increased from $45.19 per draft foot to $50.58 per draft foot.
Tonnage charge increase from $0.07625 per GT to $0.08 per GT.
Docking or Undocking change from $87.50 under 5000 GT to $100.00, 5000 GT to 10,000 GT from $131.25 to $150.00, over 10,000 GT from $175.00 to $200.00.
November 18, 2008, the board will conduct a review of their rules. A public hearing pursuant to Rule 61E13, Florida Administrative Code will be held as follows:
November 19, 2008 a Site visit to the Port of Tampa Bay pursuant to Rule 61E13-2.007(5), Florida Administrative Code. No board business will be transacted. November 20, 2008 the board meeting will take place.
All interested parties may file an answer, an additional or alternative application, or any other applicable pleading or response, including all documentation in support thereof within thirty (30) days of this publication.