
This hearing is being held to provide interested persons the opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed JTA North Maintenance Facility. The proposed maintnance facility is located adjacent to the intersection of Golfair Boulevard and Davis Street. The proposed maintenance facility would provide light maintenance, refueling, and storage for a portion of the existing bus fleet. This facility will allow JTA to provide improved service, minimize costs, and improve operations. Anyone attending the hearing may submit comments orally or in writing at any time during the open house or after the formal presentation. Persons wishing to speak during the hearing’s formal comment period should obtain and fill out a speaker card to present to the stenographer who will document all oral comments. Staff will be available to assist the public. Anyone requiring special accommodations should contact Winova Hart-Mayer at (904) 630-3185 or no later than seven days prior to the meeting (November 3, 2008). You may submit comments till the end of the comment period November 20, 2008 to: Ms. Winova Hart-Mayer, Public Relations, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Post Office Drawer O, Jacksonville, FL 32204 or All comments received at the hearing and until the close of the comment period will be included in the final CE document (report). Copies of the CE can be reviewed on the JTA website, and at the locations below starting on October 20, 2008: JTA Offices, 100 N. Myrtle Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32204 Tax Collector’s Office, Gateway Shopping Center, 910 W. 44th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32208 The hearing is being held in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended. Public participation at this hearing is solicited without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to adherence to Titles VI and VIII of the Civil Rights Act may do so by contacting JTA’s equal opportunity officer Ken Middleton at (904) 598-8728 or The hearing is also being held in accordance with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) policy, all Federal laws, regulations, and executive orders affecting project development, including but not limited to the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and FTA implementing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (40 CFR parts 1500-1508 and 23 CFR part 771), the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Executive Order 12898 regarding Environmental Justice, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Endangered Species Act, and Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act (49 USC 303), have been addressed to the maximum extent practicable during this NEPA process. In addition, JTA is seeking section 5309 New Starts funding for the project and will therefore be subject to the FTA New Starts regulation (49 CFR part 611). This New Starts regulation requires the submission of certain specified information to FTA to comply with the NEPA process. Right-of-Way acquisition is anticipated for this project. Environmental Justice Issues have also been considered, as specified in Executive Order 12898. The hearing is being held in accordance with 23 CFR 771 and Section 339.155, Florida Statutes.