
To obtain public comments on the draft injection well permit for Peace River Regional Water Supply Authority, who applied on August 16, 2016 for a major modification of a permit to operate an injection well system (File No. 136595-014-UO/5Q, WACS 40593). The project is located at the Peace River Water Treatment Plant (WTP), 8998 SW County Road 769, Arcadia, Florida 34269. The facility will modify a non-hazardous Class V injection well operation permit to allow cycle tests of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells S-4 and S-20 using partially treated surface water. Recharge of the remaining nineteen ASR wells with potable water from the WTP will continue. ASR wells S-4 and S-20 will be recharged with 2 to 4 million gallons per day each. During the public comment period provided in Rule 62-528.315, F.A.C., any interested person may submit written comments on the draft permit. All comments shall be considered in making the final decision and shall be answered as provided in Rule 62-528.330, F.A.C.