The meeting agenda will consist of approval of minutes of the State Board meetings held August 31 and September 23, 2016. Updates will be provided by President Meadows on behalf of the Council of Presidents and Superintendent Russell and Superintendent Olivia on behalf of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents. A presentation will be provided by Chancellor Pumariega on 2+2 Articulation. Items for consideration include action relating to the following: Approval of District Turnaround Option Plans for Schools Implementing Year 1 Turnaround in 2016-17; Review of Revised Turnaround Option Plan for School District of Polk County; Adoption of an Additional Strategic Plan Metric and Target; Amendment to Rule 6A-3.0141, Employment of School Bus Operators; Amendment to Rule 6A-20.028, Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; and Amendment to Rule 6A-10.0315, Common Placement Testing and Instruction.