Unnecessary provisions in these rules, including statements of purpose, duplicative rules, definitions of terms not used in the rules, and rules regarding effective dates and severability are being repealed. To accomplish this, the rule package repeals, in whole or in part, rules 69O-151.001, 690-151.003, 69O-151.009, 69O-151.012, 69O-151.101, 69O-151.106, 69O-151.107, and 69O-151.201. Rules 69O-151.005, 69O-151.006, F.A.C., are being repealed because they are duplicative of rules 69B-151.005, and 69B-151.006.
References to forms are being updated to refer to them by the proper form names and form numbers, and to remove references to the forms as “Exhibits A and B.” These changes can be found in sections 69O-151.007, 69O-151.008, 69O-151.010, 69O-151.202. In addition, forms OIR-B2-312, OIR-B2-313, and OIR-B2-1180 are being amended to remove the term “exhibit” and update the footnotes which includes the form number, authorizing rule, and adoption date.
Third, the laws implemented sections are being updated. Section 627.4554, F.S., is being added to the list of laws implemented in rules 69O-151.004, 69O-151.202, and 69O-151.203, and references to 95-219, L.O.F., are being removed as redundant.
Minor changes are being made to rules 69O-151.004, 69O-151.102, 69O-151.201, and 69O-151.202, to remove outdated language, provide consistent references to rule numbers, and eliminate references to the “F.A.C.”