
Orange Avenue (SR 527) Preliminary Engineering Concept Plan from Parkline Boulevard to Lancaster Road, Orange County Orange County and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) have coordinated to study the Orange Avenue/SR 527 corridor in order to develop improvements intended to enhance multimodal travel within the corridor, and provide better access to the new SunRail station located at Office Court. While the FDOT corridor planning study encompassed a wider scope for planning (Orange Avenue/SR 527 from Sand Lake Road to Hoffner Avenue), Orange County has focused on the preliminary concept plans from Parkline Boulevard to Lancaster Road. Orange County is holding this third and final community meeting to present the preliminary engineering concept plan on Orange Avenue/SR 527 from Parkline Boulevard to Lancaster Road. The preliminary concept plan was developed as a result of comments from previous community meetings and workshops. This meeting will include a presentation providing an overview of the study, existing transportation conditions, and the preliminary concept plan being considered. The presentation will be followed by an open house where the study team will be available to answer questions and further gather public input. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has funded this portion of the corridor planning study as part of its Sustainable Communities Program grant, to facilitate planning efforts that support transit, housing and employment options, based on the most appropriate use of Transportation Design for Livable Communities (TDLC) standards near Orange County’s Sand Lake Road SunRail Station.