
Blueline tilefish primarily occur in federal waters, but are harvested from state waters off southeast Florida. In Atlantic federal waters, recreational harvest of blueline tilefish is managed with a quota, bag limit, and open harvest season to prevent overfishing. However, overfishing occurred in the recent past and the federal recreational quota has been exceeded every year since 2015. When the federal recreational quota is exceeded, the federal waters recreational fishery can be closed in-season, which occurred in 2015. Since harvest from state waters can be significant and counts against the federal quota, the absence of regulations specific to blueline tilefish in Atlantic state waters contributes to these problems. At its October 2020 meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission established a recreational bag limit and recreational open and closed harvest seasons for blueline tilefish in Atlantic state waters to be consistent with recreational regulations in adjacent federal waters. The purpose of this federal consistency action is to help keep harvest below the federal quota, avoid in-season closures in federal waters, and reduce the risk of overfishing. The effects of the federal consistency action are to establish recreational regulations specific to blueline tilefish in Atlantic state waters that are consistent with adjacent federal waters, thereby reducing the likelihood of exceeding the federal recreational quota and causing overfishing, easing compliance with regulations, and eliminating confusion for recreational fishermen.