
The Florida Department of Transportation will conduct a public hearing regarding proposed improvements to State Road 30 (US 98) (Miracle Strip Parkway/Air Command Boulevard) at Cody Avenue in Okaloosa County, Florida. This location is in the unincorporated area of Florosa which is between Mary Esther, FL and Fort Walton Beach, FL. This intersection leads to the main gate at Hurlburt Field. The proposed improvements would reconstruct and reconfigure the intersection to provide increased capacity and improved traffic operations. Multiple alternative configurations, including the No Action Alternative, were analyzed in an Environmental Assessment (EA). The proposed configuration is an overpass known as a Single Point Urban Interchange with US 98 over Cody Avenue. The proposed action would elevate US 98 over Cody Avenue by constructing two, two-lane bridges. The bridges would provide two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction along US 98 with ramps to and from Cody Avenue. The project limits would extend approximately 3,350 feet west of the intersection of US 98 with Cody Avenue and 2,500 feet east of the intersection. Project design and sequencing would be used to minimize traffic and infrastructure impacts during construction. The project includes construction of stormwater management facilities, relocation of utilities, and coordination with Hurlburt command regarding security and base access. Construction would require approximately 4.9 acres (2.2 acres on the north side of US 98 and 2.7 acres on the south side of US 98) of federally-owned property at Hurlburt Field. The proposed configuration would have the least amount of impacts to federally-owned property at Hurlburt Field.