A Public Hearing for the 118th Avenue (C.R. 296/Future S.R. 690) Design Change Reevaluation, Financial Project ID 413622-2-32-01, Pinellas County, Florida to which all persons are invited.
This Hearing is being held to allow interested persons to provide comments concerning the design changes to and the associated social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed improvements along the 118th Avenue corridor from US 19 to east of the planned Roosevelt Boulevard/C.R. 296 Connector. These proposed design changes have occurred since the Public Hearing on August 18, 2005. The proposed improvements include two single-lane flyover ramps from US 19 (one from southbound US 19 to eastbound 118th Avenue, and one from westbound 118th Avenue to northbound U.S. 19), connecting west of 49th Street to form mainline express lanes. These mainline express lanes (future S.R. 690) will be constructed as a multilane elevated roadway (or viaduct) with frontage roads (existing 118th Avenue) from the 49th Street intersection east to the planned Roosevelt Boulevard/C.R. 296 Connector.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.
The Department will receive verbal and written comments at the Public Hearing. Written comments may also be mailed to: Timothy Drawhorn, PE, Design Project Manager, FDOT District Seven, 11201 McKinley Drive, M.S. 7-600, Tampa, Florida 33612-6456. Comments should be postmarked by December 1, 2010, to be included in the official public hearing record.