State of Florida’s Proposed Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Strategies. To provide information and solicit comments regarding the implementation of its proposed Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2) strategies. Florida Housing partnered with the Florida Department of Community Affairs to establish the State of Florida Consortium for the purpose of applying to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for NSP2 funding. The State of Florida Consortium has applied for the NSP2 funding to assist local governments, community development organizations, housing providers and other stakeholders address the stabilization and revitalization of neighborhoods and communities across Florida that HUD has targeted as being significantly affected and at risk due to factors related to the national and state’s economic downturn and foreclosure crisis. Although HUD has not yet selected the NSP2 awardees, Florida Housing is holding the public meetings to be prepared to implement its proposed strategies if the State of Florida NSP2 Consortium is awarded funding.
Florida Housing will hold three telephonic public meetings, each addressing one of its NSP2 strategies regarding rental, homeownership and community land banking. Interested parties may participate by calling a toll-free number.