
The proposed amendment to Rule 69U-110.045, F.A.C., updates and clarifies the definition and electronic filing of the quarterly report of condition each credit union must file pursuant to 12 C.F.R. § 741.6. The proposed rule amendment further updates the filing deadlines for consistency with NCUA requirements. These rule changes incorporate and supersede the provisions in the OFR’s Order of General Application on this subject issued on June 17, 2016. (In Re: Deadline for Florida State-Chartered Credit Unions to File Quarterly Reports of Financial Condition, OFR Admin. Proceeding Docket No.: 66816-FI). The proposed amendment to Rule 69U-110.053, F.S., will conform the rule to Section 655.047, F.S., as amended in 2015, to authorize electronic payment of the semiannual assessment, while still allowing for payment sent by mail. The proposed amendment will further conform the rule to Section 655.047, F.S., as amended, regarding the deadlines to submit semiannual assessment payments by mail and by electronic means. Semiannual assessment payments sent by mail must be “received” by the OFR, rather than postmarked, by the deadline. Electronic payments must be transmitted to the OFR by the deadline.