
Rule 69U-120.0451, F.A.C, will be amended to create a definition for “Call Report” for state banks and state associations that cites the specific provisions of federal law governing call reports and filing with the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). For state trust companies, the amended rule defines “Call Report” as Form OFR-U-130A, “Consolidated Financial Reports for Non-Deposit Trust Companies,” (rev. __/2017). The amendment updates the footer on the form and incorporates the form by reference with a link. Rule 69U-120.730, F.A.C., is updated to conform to legislative amendments to Section 655.047, F.S., passed in 2015. The statute was amended to authorize electronic payment of semiannual assessments, while still allowing for payment sent by mail. The statute was further amended to provide that payments sent by mail must be “received by the OFR,” rather than postmarked, on or before January 31 and July 31 of each year. Electronic payments must be transmitted on or before January 31 and July 31 of each year. The proposed rules will conform to these changes. For consistency with the good cause language in Rule Subsection 69U-120.0451(4), F.A.C., the proposed rule adds the phrase “such as isolated clerical and other minor errors or omissions” to Rule Subsection 69U-120.730(5), F.A.C. The proposed rule updates the legal citations to rulemaking authority, and replaces the general term “Consolidated Report of Condition” with a reference to the definition in Rule 69U-120.0451, F.A.C. The rule amendment also corrects certain dollar amounts in the assessments schedule.