
Rule Chapter 69L-56, F.A.C., is being amended to incorporate by reference the revised Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Proof of Coverage (POC) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation Manual and the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commission (IAIABC) EDI Implementation Guide for Proof of Coverage using the revised Release 2.1 national standard, and to modify transmission filing requirements to allow for daily receipt/processing of electronic POC files by the Division. Rule Chapter 69L-56, F.A.C., also creates filing requirements of insurers to electronically submit by specified time periods, claims information otherwise reported on Forms DFS-F2-DWC-1, DFS-F2-DWC-12, DFS-F2-DWC-13, DFS-F2-DWC-4, and DFS-F2-DWC-49 adopted in Rule Chapter 69L-3, F.A.C., plus certain electronic changes and cancellation notices for which there are currently no form equivalents promulgated by rule. The rule also incorporates by reference the Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Claims EDI Release 3 Implementation Manual and the IAIABC Claims EDI Implementation Guide for Release 3.