The Department is amending Rule 62-302.532, F.A.C., to establish NNC for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a in individual estuary segments for the following estuaries: portions of the Big Bend from Alligator Harbor to the Suwannee Sound, Cedar Key, St. Marys River estuary, Southern Indian River Lagoon, Mosquito Lagoon, several portions of the Intracoastal Waterway (ICWW) connecting estuarine systems, a variety of small gaps between estuaries with adopted NNC, and parameters for estuaries not currently covered by their adopted nutrient Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), including Upper Escambia Bay, Kings Bay, Lower St. Johns River, Indian River Lagoon, St. Lucie Estuary, and Caloosahatchee Estuary.
OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THIS RULE: Chapter 62-302, F.A.C., is referenced by the following rules:
18-2.021, 62-4.160, 62-4.241, 62-4.242, 62-4.244, 62-4.246, 62-25.001, 62-25.025, 62-25.080, 62-40.120, 62-40.210, 62-45.070, 62-45.170, 62-110.106, 62-113.200, 62-301.100, 62-302.200, 62-302.300, 62-302.400, 62-302.500, 62-302.520, 62-302.530, 62-302.531, 62-302.532, 62-302.540, 62-302.700, 62-302.800, 62-303.100, 62-303.200, 62-303.320, 62-303.330, 62-303.351, 62-303.352, 62-303.353, 62-303.354, 62-303.370, 62-303.390, 62-303.400, 62-303.430, 62-303.450, 62-303.720, 62-304.310, 62-304.335, 62-312.400, 62-330.100, 62-330.200, 62-330.405, 62-330.410, 62-330.412, 62-330.630, 62-340.700, 62-346.050, 62-346.051, 62-346.301, 62-348.200, 62-520.200, 62-520.520, 62-528.610, 62-528.630, 62-600.120, 62-600.200, 62-600.300, 62-600.400, 62-600.430, 62-600.440, 62-600.500, 62-600.520, 62-610.200, 62-610.300, 62-610.310, 62-610.554, 62-610.555, 62-610.650, 62-610.670, 62-610.810, 62-610.820, 62-610.830, 62-610.850, 62-610.860, 62-611.110, 62-611.200, 62-611.450, 62-611.500, 62-611.600, 62-611.650, 62-611.700, 62-620.320, 62-620.620, 62-621.303, 62-624.800, 62-625.400, 62-640.400, 62-650.300, 62-660.300, 62-673.340, 62-673.610, 62-701.200, 62-709.500, 62-711.540, 62-761.200, 62-762.201, 62-770.200, 62-771.100, 62-777.150, 62-777.170, 62-780.200, 62-782.200, 62-785.200, 62B-49.008, 62B-49.012, 62C-16.0051, F.A.C. Rule 62-302.532, F.A.C., is referenced by the following rules: Rules 62-302.531 and 62-303.450, F.A.C.
EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: The proposed amendments are not expected to have a significant effect on other rules of the Department. The proposed amendments establish estuary-specific NNC, but the NNC are not expected to result in revised permit requirements for existing surface water dischargers.